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Monday, March 17, 2008

Baptized & Other Good News!

Guess what I did? Oh like you didn't know from the title of this post. That's right, I got baptized! Yes, I finally found a church home with Faith Tabernacle. I was very excited about this because it is right in line with my plans to make 2008 my year to be great. So many exciting things are happening all at once that it is so difficult to get around to including them in my blog. I am working hard to update my loyal readers on all that is going on with me and my business as well as to continue to offer some great new tips, tools and advice on how to succeed in business, love and life. Please bear with me!

I have been on a volunteering tirade for some time now due in part because of the lack of color in most of these activities. I am saddened, no, disheartened by the disinterest among African-Americans in volunteering. Like Oprah said on the Big Give - PAY IT FORWARD! Here here.

In other news, my Toastmasters club is well under way but of course I would love to boost the attendance of guests. Feel free to come on down to get the wonderful support TM clubs offer their members. Visit for more information on club meeting times, days and location. I do sincerely hope to see you there.

Tomorrow is my official induction into the Rotary One club. WHOOHOO!!! I have been fuddling around with my membership for well over a year so it's about time. Thank you to David Durham for being so patient and supportive. I am sure that being a Rotarian will be a wonderful investment of my time and I am looking forward to throwing my expertise toward their many volunteer projects.

Something new is going on with my strategic planning project and board involvement with New Life Coach Inc. We have restructured the entire coach training and volunteer program. Find out more by emailing me at You won't want to miss out on these exciting new changes.

Let's see, what else, what else, what else....? Oh, yes! I have started back to co-hosting Networking For Professionals (NFP) events again. The next one is actually this Thursday, March 20th at 6PM. The location has changed to Tizi Melloul's. More space and easier access by public transportation which means more attendees and greater opportunities for networking. For more info on that visit

Some of you have asked what I am reading today. HA! This is always an impossible question to answer because I tend to multi-task my reading. :) I am in the middle of 5 books. Of course A New Earth is on the list and I have been trying to follow along with Oprah's 10-week webinar event with Eckhart Tolle without much success. Unfortunately I keep getting booted out. The rebroadcast doesn't seem to work all that well either. On another note, I don't get all of the complaints about the book being difficult reading. It reads much like poetry and Tolle does a very good job of relating concepts to everyday life experiences. It must be the "I" taking over again (inside joke for all of the New Earthers).

I am also reading Jesus Life Coach, Teach Yourself NLP, This Is How We Do It and Odd Thomas. Finally, I am in the process of reviewing Mastering the Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success. I will post a formal review as soon as I am finished reading it. Thank goodness for that speed reading course I took with Kinetic Advanced Learning!

I think that's it for now. With my new outlook and current transformation, I will be making some changes to my website at as well as to my Blog Talk Radio show. I will post those updates as soon as they occur.

Until next time, to your dynamic success and happy living!


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