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Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Toastmasters Club Formation & More

Hello friends,

Well, after 6 agonizing weeks of limping around in a walking cast I have finally had the thing taken off yesterday. WHOOPEE! Unfortunately, my ankle is still a bit painful and hideous looking. The orthopedic specialist told me that my x-rays are quite unusual. This is most likely due to a pretty bad break on the same ankle when I was 11 years old. He also said that it looks like a small fragment of bone is missing from the back of my ankle. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue to recover from my slip and fall. I also pray that each of you stay safe on the ice.

Guess what? I have finally done it! After a whole year of toying around with the idea and various meetings with potential venues and my partner in success, I have finally founded a new Toastmasters Club. I had been very frustrated with the lack of a club within my immediate area. Those clubs that were near me were either at least a twenty minute drive or located on some hard to access side street. The new Toastmasters Club, in line with my "success" theme for 2008, is called the Success Seekers Club.

The kickoff meeting will be held on Saturday, February 9, 2008 from 10AM to 12PM in the 2nd floor Community Room of the Housing Resource Center located at 4429 N Clifton Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640. This is in the Uptown neighborhood just off of Montrose and Broadway, behind Truman College and Aldi's parking lots. Guest attendance is FREE and open to the general public ages 18 and over. Toastmasters International is a wonderful 501(c)3 organization that develops leadership, presentation, communication and public speaking skills. Members have the opportunity to be trained on how to be more effective communicators through various group and independent activities including presenting structured speeches to the club.

Effective communication and presentation skills are a great asset for anyone who wants to make a powerful impact in both their business and personal lives. Practice makes perfect! Come on out and join us for our kickoff meeting. Attend as a guest as often as you like but guests don't get the opportunity to practice public speaking in front of the group. Find out more about all of the benefits paid membership has to offer by attending a meeting or send your inquiries to Subsequequent meetings will be held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 10AM to 12PM. Watch for further updates as we receive our club charter and attain a website.

I look forward to meeting you at the Success Seekers Club of Toastmasters International!

To your success and happy living!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.