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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well I totally thought I had finally gotten on the ball with my writing over at eHow. I mean, afterall, I was definitely seeing a return on my few minutes of investment per article. I figured if I started writing one article per day at the very least then it wouldn't be long before I had a nice residual income from the site but wouldn't you know it! That darned eHow has some sort of site glitch (they're calling it a bug) that is preventing articles from being published correctly. This means my last few articles are just sitting in some strange article limbo hidden away from the eager eyes of my readers. UGH!!!

That leads me to Bukisa. Now this is another article site that pays out a revenue share from advertising to its member writers. I joined Bukisa almost a year ago but hadn't revisited the site until today. I decided to publish the papers I had written for my Graduate courses as articles. So this blog post is dedicated to my new relationship with Bukisa. I will let you know if I start seeing the revenue that was being generated over at eHow but I do so hope that eHow gets their act together. I like receiving a passive income.

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