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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

So it's a new year and a new me. I've started off this year with a whole lot of changes, many that went into effect last year but I am continuing full-force with them this year.

First, I am back in school full-time pursuing my MBA in E-Commerce. This is a bit of a change because initially I was all gung-ho to get my next accolade in Psychology. I'm also considering adding a CPA track to my MBA pursuits depending on how I can work in the extra accounting courses. As it stands, I should be in good position to finish up by September.

Second, there is a new man in my life. We actually started dating in the summer of 2009 but since we made our 1-year anniversary last August, things are heating up to something serious. Pretty sure I have landed my husband. It is true what they say, once you stop looking, you find love. I definitely wasn't looking and he found me. Yay!!! I am truly blissfully happy.

Third, I made a super serious huge decision to reenter the corporate workforce. I've been self-employed for so long that this transition was very dramatic. Don't worry! I am still working my own businesses as a life coach, mediator and all of the other services that I have been sought after for. My priorities have just changed a little to require that I have more regular, consistent, "guaranteed" income. I was lucky that I found a really great position at a well-known nonprofit agency. I get to use all of my skills, continue learning new ones and help people while doing it! I think for the first time ever, I might actually LOVE my job. The compensation isn't too shabby either.

Fourth, I am on a super savings kick. I am stacking dollars from every income source. If you know me by now, then you are very aware that I am a strong believer in multiple income streams. So yes, I have my full-time gig, my coaching and consulting business and this year I am also preparing individual income tax returns. I needed somewhere to grow all that loot I'm making so that I can set myself up for the long-term and acquire some assets I've been looking forward to (a new car and house are on the agenda). Of course I pay myself first through my job's retirement plan and taking advantage of as many pre-tax deductions as I can via flexible spending accounts and such. But I am also beginning to invest on my own using my Ing Direct Sharebuilder account so I am the proud owner of several shares of stock which are already working to increase my income and net worth. I am also sharing a lot of what I learn about building wealth in my L.A.D.I.E.S. fan page and group on Facebook.

Finally, to be on a traditional New Year's resolution mode, although I'm really not calling it that, I have a goal to lose a LOT of weight. My boyfriend is helping me out by being my partner and competitor in our own Biggest Loser type competition. You can check on my progress by taking a look below or at the new widget in the top left of this blog.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

So in a nutshell, 2011 promises to be an interesting journey for me. I hope it proves to be just as fruitful to you as well.

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